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One of the most important reasons that I garden is for the meditative opportunity I have whenever I tend the garden. In this I find spiritual fulfillment, that is, a sense of God and the time to ponder the deeper meaning of tending to the life that I am nurturing, watching grow and the small miracles I observe.


It goes beyond the incredible interplay of sun, soil, and water to the metaphysical wonder of opening myself to the interdependent web that brings me closer to God, creation and mankind. This is in fact a search for truth and meaning- one that leaves me humbled by myriad questions with few answers.


I do find peace, solace and a thirst for understanding which keep me coming back. Sometimes I see a tiny part of the Mystery that is all around me with an open heart and mind. In these moments I am content.



The articles that follow are simply the ramblings of a rogue philosopher gone a-gardening. Take what you want and leave the rest.




The Philosophical Gardener

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